indigenous plant means any plant, herb, shrub or tree, whether alive or dead, indigenous to the Republic, whether it is or has been cultivated or whether or not it is growing in the wild state, or has for some time not been crowing in the wild state, and includes the flower, seed, cone, fruit, bulb, tuber, stem or root or other part of such a plant, herb, shrub or tree, but excluding a plant, herb, shrub or tree declared to be a weed in terms of any law or improved by selection or cross-breeding;
invader weeds and plants means a plant contemplated in section 80 (1) (a);
invertebrate means all species of wildlife that do not have an internal skeleton, whether alive or dead, of which the habitat is either temporarily or permanently in the Republic, and includes any part of an invertebrate and any stage in the life cycle thereof;
keep, in relation to a wild animal, exotic animal or invertebrate, means to keep live, to exercise control over, to supervise or to confine by a fence, wall, natural boundary or other obstruction or any combination of such fence, wall, natural boundary or obstruction, or to maim or otherwise incapacitate such animal to such an extent that it cannot maintain its natural way of life;
land used by the Board for purposes of this Act means any land or water resorting under the control or management of the Board in terms of this Act or any other law, and any like phrase has a corresponding meaning:
live fish in relation to natural bait, means live aquatic fauna commonly known as fish; natural bait means any animal or vegetable substance, whether alive or dead but excluding,
live fish, used in angling to allure fish by virtue of the edibility, smell or taste thereof; nature conservator means a-
(a) nature conservator appointed in terms of section 3 (1) (a);
(b) member of the South African Police Service;
nature reserve means an area declared to be a nature reserve in terms of section 85 (1) (a); night means the period from half an hour after sunset on any day to half an hour before
sunrise on the following day;
non-spinning artificial fly means a fish-hook with one point and one barb to which anything inedible by fish is attached and which cannot rotate when fastened to a line and drawn through water and to which no device which can rotate is attached;
occupier, in relation to land or land on which waters are situated, means, for the purpose of-
(a) Chapter 4 of this Act, the owner or, where the land is leased, the lessee;
(b) any other Chapter of this Act, the person who actually occupies the land and is in control thereof,
officer or employee of the Board means any person employed by the Board in terms of section 15 (3) (d) of the Eastern Transvaal Parks Board Act, 1995 (Act No. 6 of 1995), and